Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Life is not easy ...

LIFE is not easy for any of us.

But what of that?

We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves.

We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.

(Marie Curie)

The Dash Inspirational Movie

Check out this amazing & touching movie clip.

It open my inner eyes, to search for the meaning of my life...

What I want to achieve in life?

(A) Money? Status? House? Car? Reputation?

(B) Love, Time & Happiness?

With the ongoing chasing for (Items A), we have no time for (Items B)

With only concentraion on (Item B), and without (Item A), can a person be really happy with his/her life?

I don't know the answer.

The only thing I can said is to balance off (Item A) and (Item B).

It hard, I knew. Life is not an easy option. We have to search for the ways to achieve it.

What your point of view?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

2008 New Year Resolution

Have you set your 2008 New Year resolution?

Running out of New Year resolution ideas?

Each year, I am setting a minimum of 5 New Year resolutions. It's no point setting up too many but unable to accomplish. Focus on the 5 resolutions, set up a progress chart/plan, do it and review it. On the last day of the year, receives your great achievement.

According to some research, the following are the "Top Ten New Year Resolutions" set by people:

#1) Lose Weight
#2) Earn more Money and save up
#3) Debt Deduction
#4) Enjoy more Quality time with Family & Friends
#5) Quit Smoking, Drinking, or Bad Habits
#6) Find my love one
#7) Find a better job
#8) Travel
#9) Learning something new
#10) Volunteer and help others

Want to know my 2008 new year resolution, here there are:

(1) Reduce 8 kg of my weight (:-)

(2) Upgrading my knowledge & skills (in particular web technology)

(3) Participate in Voluntary or Charity Activities

(4) Get a "Job" with a reasonable income
(this include earning some pocket $ thru online. check out my yuwie page:

(5) Identify 100 things that make me happy
(check out my other blog:

So, now your turn. What is your 2008 new year resolution?

Why not share it out here? You will make it possible if you fully commited to it thru written, thru support from others and Do It.

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Life & Career Transformation experience

"What is your passion ?"

"What is your life expectation ?"

"Are you happy with your current career / job ?"

A simple question, but not an easy answer.
Not many people can answer this impromptu. (Not me!)
To be honest, am still searching for the answer ...

I have been reading many books, articles and magazines related to life & career change. But, somehow, it doesn't work.
I consulted friends & family member, what given to me are sounded "external" to me.

It is difficult to set goals & direction (not to talk about career), if I really haven't figure out what I really want in my life. The so called "passion".

Share out the success stories of your life & career transformation experience, and how you discover your passion.
